Thursday, August 5, 2010


So I have been pumping to donate for 8 days now. I have about 35 ounces for baby A. That's about 5 days worth (would replace the 4-8 ounces of formula she has been getting).

I have always thought nursing was cool. I mean, my body makes food. What? That's crazy! I loved being the only one that could feed tiny C.

Since C is growing and eating grown up food nursing has become less about feeding hunger (though that's the case sometimes!) and more about comfort. I had taken for granted that I make milk.

Now for the past week I have watched that beautiful white liquid flow from my breasts. Little by little I watched it fill the bottle and now my freezer. I have renewed my amazement of the whole process.

The first few days I was only able to pump about 2 oz. But A's mommy assured me this would be helpful. Finally, on Sunday my body got the idea that the need for more milk could not be ignored. It rewarded my efforts with 5 ounces of beautiful milk. Then 6 oz on Monday and 7 oz on Tuesday! (Of course, today my child decided to be possessive of his milk and has only shared 2 1/2 ounces. Ha!)

Some interesting things are happening:

1. My boobs are full more often. Well, duh, but still cool! I can be caught squeezing them throughout the day to gauge whether or not a pumping session would be successful.

2. I am having some signs of lower estrogen levels. Take that Aunt Flo! (I hope, anyway!)

3. I am hungry all the time! I forgot how much food frequent nursing requires. I mentioned this to a friend and she said, "You're feeding a bebe and a half!" Oooooh yeah duh! Now I just need to revamp my healthy snack options!

I don't say all this to draw attention to myself. I truly and honestly feel honored that A's momma is willing to feed her sweet baby my milk.