Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm going even further to the dark side

Well, I'm continuing my journey to being a crunchy mom! I bought cloth dipes today. Ah!

I tried pocket diapers when C was about 8 weeks old. They were bulky, had stink and leak issues and I hated them! Because I was still working from home at that point I didn't have the time or energy to learn cloth diapers. I decided to make my life simpler and use sposies.

Fast forward about 6 months, Pampers changed their diapers and my poor son's bum broke out. Despite their denial this had been the case for many moms using the new Pampers.

That initial rash cleared up but I still have this nagging guilt every time I change his diaper. What chemicals am I exposing him to? Am I putting him at risk for infertility?

These are not things I want to be responsible for. So....we're going to try cloth again. I really want to make it work this time! I'm trying hard to just view it as a part of life. I mean, disposables have only existed what, 40 years? Before then, women just cloth diapered their babies. End of story.

I think we Americans have tried to make our life as convenient as it can be. Granted that sounds good but sometimes we put ourselves at risk just to save a few minutes.

I know people think the things I do may be weird but truth be told, this is how people have been doing things for years. Maybe the most recent generation is weird because they have been bucking the system.


Sounds like it's time to tend to the dipes after their first trip in the washer. Three or four more to go....