Thursday, August 5, 2010

Breast milk is the best milk

So I was thinking about this whole breast milk situation. Hopefully I can convey my thoughts adequately! :)

Breast is best. Period. You cannot deny that! Yet, few women nurse their children exclusively and for any period of time.

I could say so much about this topic! But I don't want to get too far away from what I set out to say.

If breast is best why do moms use formula? Because it's big business! It's presented in such a way that it's not "that different" from breast milk.

Am I saying that formula should never be used or that those that use it are bad people? No! But there's a bigger problem here!

For one, moms need support when it comes to nursing. It's a vicious cycle. Moms don't nurse so they can't tell their daughters how who in turn fail to nurse. How will this get better? Someone has to stand up and help these moms! It's not always easy but I can tell you first hand that the reward far outweighs any trial!

Secondly, breast milk needs to be made more available. Of course, this is a touchy subject. For some strange reason breast milk is seen as nasty or gross. It's only made to be consumed by that momma's baby. Wrong! There is no reason this has to be the case!

Does this come from the idea that breasts are sexual? That the human body is gross? I really don't know but it's wrong regardless!

Cow's milk comes from cows boobs. Have you seen a cow? They're not the cleanest of creatures. Yet, we think NOTHING of consuming cow's milk. Yet, my breast milk is dirty?

I was also thinking about milk banks. I know there are moms that would love to donate but milk banks have such strict rules. Moms can't take medication. Their babies have to be a certain age. They are subjected to blood tests. Now, I don't know much about cows but I do know that they are given medication to insure that they continue making milk. Their babies are taken from them and given milk from bottles. As far as I know, no consideration is given regarding her calf's age. I have no idea what if any tests each cow is subjected to. Yet again, we drink it without thinking.

What about formula? Are you fully aware of what is in it? I need to study on that but it's my understanding that much of formula's content is byproducts of food adults won't eat! So we feed it to our most vulnerable? Doesn't take a genius to see that's dumb. What about the fact that formula has been found to contain harmful things that cause major problems? Yet, you're afraid to feed your child HUMAN milk? I doubt I'll ever understand that.

I realize that not all women would make suitable donors for various reasons but I venture to say that my unpasteurized breast milk is safer than any cow's milk! You know, the proof is in the healthy, thriving, smart 11 month old has done nothing but THRIVE on my milk. I bet you can't find first hand proof quite like that about any of the other options.

Somehow we need to move past the idea of breast milk being dirty and suitable only for biological children. We need to find a way to make it more available whether that be from the source or from a donor. This needs to be seen as NORMAL. I am not a supermom for feeling C milk that God intended him to eat!

Happy World Breastfeeding Week!