Saturday, December 19, 2009


Vaccines seem to be a controversial topic. I hesitate to even bring it up for that reason. However, I do think it's worth consideration by all parents. So regardless of your current stand please be open minded enough to read what I have to share.

It is incredibly appealing to think about a simple injection that could protect your child from several deadly diseases. Unfortunately, such injections are not without their own risks. Though these risks are often blown off by medical professionals for various reasons not to be discussed at this time.

At one point the controversy was regarding Thimerosal. For the most part this has been removed from vaccines. The new issue at hand is the content of aluminum. The following link is to an article that can state the facts far better than I can. It's written by Dr. Robert Sears. He wrote the "Vaccine Book" and is a practicing pediatrician in CA. When reading his book I found him to be unbiased in his presentation of information.

Is Aluminum the New Thimerosal

Dr. Sears is pro-vaccine in general but has encouraged parents to consider a selective or alternative schedule. If following the AAP's schedule your child's system will be bombarded with aluminum containing vaccines. Are you convinced this is safe?

I feel like the choice of whether to vaccinate my children or not is one of the hardest choices I have had to make. One one hand, I can choose to fully vaccinate my child and risk harmful effects of the vaccines that cannot be reversed. On the other hand if I choose not to vaccinate I am possibly putting my child at risk for contacting one of the various diseases that the vaccines could protect my child from getting. For this reason, the choice is very personal. Each parent must review the information and decide what risks they are willing to take.

It is my hope that those reading this will read it knowing my sincerest motives. It is not up to me to judge your decision on this matter. But I do hope you are willing to give this issue a second glance to insure you can be confident in your choice.

Once again, I have no issue with others making different choices as long as they are informed decisions.