Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's been a while!

I can't believe it's been since September since I've written here! I really haven't been keeping up my other blog either. I have been spending more time on FB. We have a love/hate relationship.

I sometimes question if it's worth writing here. I don't get much feedback so I have no idea who is reading this. I'm not soliciting pity feedback, just saying. (I think I'll write a blog sometime about why I think it's important to talk about crunchy topics.)

Regardless, I will write a little bit. I have several thoughts running through my mind. Two are semi-related. One is just plain happy.

I was asked to donate milk to another baby. He makes number 3. Baby A got about 40 oz before it started bothering her tummy. Her mommy returned the rest back to me. I wanted to find it a home. I came in contact with a mommy waiting to adopt. She hadn't been matched yet so I agreed to pump until she was matched. She was matched in October. Baby J was born in November. Would you believe he was born just 2 hours from me? So I was able to meet the new little family for coffee and to give them 80 oz of liquid gold. He gobbled it down in less than a week!

I had kind of decided to quit donating. Since I essentially work full time from home in addition to the mommy stuff I just didn't have the time to devote to it. Plus, C is 17 months and I know our nursing days are winding down so I wanted to treasure them for us. Selfish? Maybe.

Then I came in contact with a momma who was having supply issues but wanted human milk for her special needs baby boy. I couldn't turn a blind eye and not offer my milk. She decided this was a good idea and I am now pumping to donate to Baby K! I'm off to a slow start but am of the belief that every drop helps! It's also fun that another mommy friend is pumping to donate to Baby K too. We're pumping buddies! :-D

The other two thoughts: FB needs to get a clue and quit deleting pages that are for nursing and other mommy stuff. Seriously! I know it has to be trolls reporting pages but FB should find a way to exempt these pages. Ugh. It's so sad that safe havens are being shut down and moms are being robbed of the help and support they need and deserve!

My other thought, breastfeeding is so misunderstood. Breasts have become a single use body part. I could say soooo much about this. Bottom line, God put milk in breasts. He intends for us to use them for that purpose!

I do not advocate moms to expose themselves while nourishing their babes. But I do advocate feeding on demand and modest public nursing. I have to believe if more moms do this it will be normal. Breasts will be seen for more than sexual purposes. Until then, we have to press on and do what is right for babies.