Monday, March 22, 2010

Late night ramblings of a semi-crunchy mom that's fallen off the wagon

I have fallen off the wagon. I confess that until yesterday I had not taken my supplements in weeks. I've also been eating baaaadddd. Sue me. Life happens.

Of course I'm paying for my choices. My aching body is reminding me that these choices, while easy at the time, are not worth it later.

So I'm back on my supplements and paying a bit more attention to my food choices. I am currently on a mini-vaca so you know how that goes.

Through all this I am remained faithful to my limited dairy diet. Eating dairy, unlike the other two things, has immediate and drastic effects on C. I can't stand seeing that. Of course I realize an unhealthy mommy will effect C but that's not always obvious. (Tangent....coconut milk "ice cream" is wonderful!!! Wow. I need to research some coupons!)

It's interesting to me. Many crunchy choices are the easier choice but some take a great deal of effort and dedication.

For instance, in my experience anyway, choices like breastfeeding and co-sleeping are easier. Seriously, do you know how nice it is to expose a breast, latch on the child and go back to sleep. Why in the world would I want to get up, heat a bottle, come back to bed, hold said bottle and then throw my child back in his crib. Yeah right!

Other choices like supplements and healthy eating are not so easy, nor are they always affordable. Which is one reason I haven't been doing all that I should. Of course I realize that prevention will save me money on the long run but for the time being we don't have a pot to pee in let alone money to spend on organic food and countless supplements.

So for now, C is getting organic foods thanks to Grams. (My parents are awesome. My in-laws are too. Blessed!) Hubby is a lost cause and I'm trying my best to get back on the wagon and at least compromise on some things.

Oh Trader Joe's please come to my city. You would save me tons of money and provide me with yummy, healthy food (and dark chocolate pretzel crisps of course).

I better wrap this up. It's late and I tend to lose the filter on my thoughts when it's late. Here's to being a bit crunchier this week!